Welcome, dear fellow!
I guess you ended up here because you share the same interest into vintage & retro computing as I do?
It all started a very good while ago, in the early 2000s, when I originally collected Digital, Sun and SGI Unix Workstations.
Due to various reasons, I got rid of my entire collection. In retrospect this was an unwise decision, that I regret to this day, especially as I also gave away my precious SGI Indy. This was the first professional Unix machine I made my first steps into the Unix world, which I luckily got the option to take into personal posession when I left my employer back then.
Luckily I didn’t give away the C64, and I kept my Compaq Armada laptop, that I purchased from the very first money I’ve earned during my educational apprenticeship times.
After all, I began collecting again retro computers in around 2017, having accumulated again some roughly 70 vintage machines by 2022. Not all of them currently are documented yet, but they eventually will all be online on this webpage.
I also run the “THE PHINTAGE COLLECTOR” channel on YT, promoting some of my machines, restoration activities, and other neat stuff around vintage computing.
Check it out at
And should you happen to live in Switzerland and have some old nugget on the attic, let me know. I maybe interested in it. I do have a wishlist … 😉